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01:07:29 - 2001-01-04
Door opens slowly to reveal full dramatic shock of a person in singlet ,shorts and slippers,wearing an ultraman mask.This person is Karfei.

karfei: What do you want from me.

K mumbles some dammits and pushes his way in.He goes directly into Karfei's rooom and plops himself into the cosy bed.Karfei closes the door and follows silently.

K:(lying in bed,arms behind his head,looking up at the ceiling) nevermind me.just carry on with your drawing.

Karfei does not say anything and continues with his drawing.

After some pause,with K staring at the ceiling,searching for some answer;Finally he frustratedly props himself up and says :

you like drawing a lot?

conversationally ,as if to break the awlful silence.

Karfei does not answer.K coughs and sinks his head back resignedly onto the pillow.

K: I think i'm becoming jaded.Or else this forever fever thing is getting boring.I wonder if all these is screwing me up the wrong way.All these books....Do you think i should get myself a religion?

He changes his stare from the ceiling to Karfei drawing away.

K : Or should i get a girlfriend.

Karfei: i dunno.

k:maybe uh,.......hey (giggles suddenly) i think,this is ridiculous, but i'm cured,i've recovered from the deep sleep!i'm not neurotic anymore....(in a stating matter of fact voice.)

Karfei:yeah okay,good. (nods his head away,not quite listening.)

The phone rings suddenly.

K: Hey the phone's ringing.

Karfei: Well,then go and answer it.

K: Why should i?this ia your home anyway.

Karfei: (shrugs)

K: Fuck it.

The phone continues ringing away. Piercingly. K couldn't stand it and says :

"Dammit.......answer the phone lah."

Karfei doesn't do k continues,"must be your father, calling again,to ask you to help check his stocks---"

Abruptly, Karfei: the phone's spoiled;it's ringing for nothing.

Karfei says this as if stating a fact,as if the phone was ringing because in a million chances,it had gone mad.

his self persuasive tone.

K doesn't say anything.

the phone stops ringing.

K : that's it then.

Karfei doesn't say anything for some time.K realises that he's only been talking to himself.

K: arghhhhh....i'm BORED! i'm borinG! i'm JAdeD! Fuck!!!! Arghhhhhhhh....

Karfei: (exasperation) are you crazy? go to probably woke up too early.That's the problem with wake up too early and spend too much time mucking around your house.

K: (throws a pillow at Karfei) The last thing i want to do on this planet is sleep.

karfei: THen die in your sleep.

K: yeah...make that my last exit.


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