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01:06:06 - 2001-01-04


Let the cheesysongs and audience clamour get cut abruptly like a run in the film reel.


K: ( monologue ) Dammit....muther.......when you're alone........what can you do cept watch tv and eat and sleep and act brain dead.....

THe FiLm OPens In tecHNIcoLoR.

As K talks,the camera shows him getting out of the smelly old sofe inhis living room and storming out of the house,leaving a depression in the sofa where he just sat,the television still playing. ( Zoom in on the television screen till the colorful pixels blow up in size like germ-like molecules,colors blending into blurry white...... )

K: I knew Karfei since prinmary school.....whenever i'm bored i would go to his house and play with his toys; he has lotsa toys.

K grabs open the door and swings it as he steps out of the house,slamming it. He shuffles into his "lao ah pek" slippers and strides purposefully to the flat opposite his. Apparently Karfei's house. They are next-door neighbours. K clenches his fist and pummels the big wooden door repeatedly. ( Play a growling heavy black metal track as he does this .)

K: BUt i'm not here to play with toys. Not anymore...

Switch to a view of Karfei's room, Karfei inside, lying on the bed or sitting at a bookstrewn,cassettestrewn table,the radio spitting out the usual shitty stuff. Karfei sits at the table , hunched over some papers ( eg. 8-days, BigO,whatever...) ,which we do not see yet; but the camera shows him wielding a pen and sort of writing away with a thoughful expression, with some mild flourishes and pauses as he stops to comtemplate and admire his work.

Karfei: I am an artist.

Slowly pan the moving camera around Karfei as he sits at the table,slowly slowly like peeping over his shoulder, we see him doodling away.....casually coloring curly moustaches , eyeshadows , vampire teeth and various deformities on magazine people, humming away to himself.

Karfei yawns and stretches his arms professionally. (camera-view from the back)

the sound of knocking at the door reaches Karfei and he pauses dramatically in mid-yawn.

Outside view of Karfei's door with K standing impatiently waiting,rubbing his sore hands.

K: Open up! hey! MATA lai Liao! ( The police is here! )

Still with exterior view of Karfei's door.The sound of several locks clicking.

K: Fuck lah.


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