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21:22:59 - 2001-01-27
school#1----graduation day


(A) Graduation day:

___Friday,chosen to end the week for students,was graduation day,a special

ceremony set by the school whereby awards of different purposes were handed

out to the respective students(who might not deserve it or might not even

like it)for them to bring home and frame up upon a wall for visiting guests

to admire and "it's a great conversational piece!".the general idea of the

graduation day is the farewell assembly whereby students some sad some glad

some forced to hang around,say either in the face or silently in their small

little hearts the "long lovely goodbyes and poignant tears like petals of

withered wild flowers falling" ....."alas! goot-bye" to their teachers

gathered in the school hall for a soapy three hours of clapping at the award

winners walking awkwardly up the stage,who are supposed to bow,every each one

,and then songs proclaiming love for friends and forgotten aquaintances are

sung and there are even teachers holding roses and reciting poems.

(B) The morning rises:

____Far away in Toa Payoh,fyodor awakens,rising out of the dust of his

floor like a sleepy giant.fyodor rejected his comfy puffy little bed,ridculed

by his mom for developing a monks spartan existence,going on in life,small

storms of isolated existence and boiling rebellions against his past obsession

with neatness,"sailing to the heart of the lonely storm".(the diamond sea).he

scratches his hair and lumbers like a big rugby player to the bathroom.

____meanwhile kafka awakes groggily from his bed and goes to the bathroom to

let out that morning pee.

___shawn stayed in his bed for a while,a long while after the alarm clock

screamed its shrill cry,comtemplating the day of the week and what else will

happen when he steps out of bed.he gets up with a final movement and goes to

the bathroom to brush his teeth.

____frances throws a pillow across her head and tries to sleep admist the

sounds of the rest of the household waking up and preparing to go to work.

with a women's instinct,she decides not to go to school because a)she was

awarded the total number of zero prizes, b)she was tired of clapping, c)

attendance would not be taken despite what the teachers said and d)her

presence would not be sorely missed anyway.

*******she continued sleeping.

(C) Happenings in the school hall:

____imagine,just imagine the sound of tired,patronising handclaps.

____Each award winner of prizes such as commendation for performing well in

the eca,award for studies,award for House,award for performing beyond the

call of duty,award for courtesy...etc...were glad that they have received

their prizes and were reminscing about their past two years in the school as

they sat in the hall,the papers held limply in their sweaty palms.

___meanwhile,the students sitting down were cheering with real gusto,pumping

their fists in the air like leaders at a rally and taking photos as the line

of award winners filed through the stage and bowed expediously and then there

were memorable magic moments of singing songs and general hugging of your

idiotic neighbour.


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