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21:25:29 - 2001-01-27
a courage most commendable though no one gave a prize

a courage most commendable though no one gave a prize

(D) A courage most commendable (though nobody gave a prize) :

___Thoughout the whole ceremony of giving prizes and during the principal's

speech,fyodor and kafka were talking to each other,affirming their beliefs in

the easy comely way people do whenever they wax nonsence;the general topics

of today's session were�

1)the whining individual's blames on society

2)the fight to defend one's changing principles

3)the coming army

4)brainwashing propaganda

5)alien abductions

and the mysterious Way to "just think nothing and the aliens would not be

to control you" and then there were also arguements and counter-arguements and at one sharp point in history,fyodor remarked to kafka,"yeah,you have a

counter opinion to everything." $the opposite upside-down thesaures and both agreed," is a trap",nodding their big heads away.other side topics include hypothetical assumption questions asked to each other "what should you do when you turn against your friends up to the point when you suddenly have different ,against the flow,attitudes..and they are no longer your friends?" and confessions of exaggeratedly traumatic secondary school days and their indifferent attitudes grown to masturbation and guffaws . both discussed the dangers of bill gates's amassment of wealth and whatever should they do if either of them decides to write a book and publish it and thus reap lots of money and whether this is the moral thing to do and then kafka sputtered on about "doing and feeling what you do" and the inevitable ostracization,remenbering the one time he had cried in front of his whole secondary school . he had a haircut,at secondary two,a flat-top haircut resembling bart simpson's and of which his brother was the pioneer,and then the morning he came to school,he was taken to a corner by the portly vice principal mr.peng.

___"boy,is that a punk style?"

___Kafka,at that time who was unexposed to rock music and its evil satanic influences,knew not a "shit" (as they would say) about punk rock ,and as he stood trembling and scared,knowing that something terrible would happen to him and "what punk?",he didn't have a clue.The time was too short for an answer to be thought out carefully and he might as well say "yes",because he's a boy who can't say no,to everything,except in the most tactful manner >___"yes."

___with that,the vice-principal shielded the sun with his huge body and loomed over our timid kafka,taking out a notepad and marking down his name and class >___"okay so you agree it's a punk haircut,huh?"
___"how long do you think we have to wait before your hair grows out?"

___"you want to shave your head?"

___"later,i want you to go up and tell them."

kafka sniffled a yes.

___when the school song was finished,everyone sat down and waited.

___a show's coming up.

the v-p hauled him up onto the podium in front of the whole school and used him as an example of decadent western influences and as the whole school stoically gasped,kafka cried.he cried because he was scared and he had always< >obeyed the rules and he didn't want to shave his head bald and go around wearing a stupid cap and laughed at by everyone.he could feel the sympathy from his classmates as they sat there looking up at him crying pathetically.he felt ashamed.


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