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21:40:33 - 2001-01-27
hurts and thoughts they fade...fade awayyyy..

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deep door down delirios sound........

dostoevskyian magic .....this tormenting twisted soul of a body girl she looks like hell

like hell turned upside down and all the devils fall of that piece of lard

and dropped further into the depths the abyss .....

when i woke up one fine morning i found myself crying at staring at the tips of my

toes to see whether they are still there and i couldn't help recalling

the evil smell of coffee drifting into my room from the idiotic poseur

coffee place downstairs....i forced myself out of bed deliberately to hurt myself

from resting further from indulging in the comforts of lying in bed after

8 hours of sleep (the adequate rest of the human body system) and i jumped out of bed

with enforced livelyness and uttered curses as the realisation of the day's

tediousness came to me and i couldn't escape back into my bed because this

realisation has already settled into my mind and shall subconciously affect

me for the rest of the day.../....there shalt be no peace.

erutyyt khfdfnhh wuhjfhksjhfsfhjfhkhuuuryryhfuyruyyyuhuhurryhuryryuhrurryu


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