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09:08:52 - 2001-02-17
the dracula cult
for the past week when i was on off from the army and the same thing was happening to shawn(not his real name),we hung around pretty much till we were nearly sick of each other it was like the silence and the coolness could choke you....we played counterstrike with allen and watched miss congeniality.shawn wanted to watch dracula 2000 instead but allen and i over powered him and forced him to watch "miss" instead.dracula 2000?

it's 2001 alreadi...duh.

like that.

what's happening to napster?oh-know!

napster's probably the only place where i can find mp3's of ben lee and the eraserheads.

the whole week we hung around orchard road that damm place and also at katong shopping centre that laid back mall with it's millions of cybercafes playing counterstrike.

we drunk iced latte at cafe americano at roxy square and it was much better than the bitter non-fat milk substitutes at starbucks....though i will still remember how venti orange mocha frappuchino at orchard parade starbucks started the smoking-talking-waiting for adventure-phase.

"what we need is, adventure" shawn would always say,when we are sitting there,smoking sadly boredly.

the funny thing is he's always the one enjoying the boredom.

one whole week going to pass and that's that.

next weekend we will be out again---the "gang"

i've joined the dracula cult and i can't escape.

we suck on the sticks and exhale ghostly breaths and the guilt from the gross tv comercials come to haunt us like naggy priests and mother teresa she shakes her head as some destroy their lives while some others are suffering with wiltering illnessess.

when will you quit?

one friend asked.

i didn't know the reply then but i knew it now.

when we stop being friends.that's when i'll quit.and that's when the others will quit too.

the cult has a master plan of mass suicide.

the mentholated air swirls.

what a swine.


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