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01:58:24 - 2001-03-18
3 poems
i wonder if i concussed my head

or maybe compressed it by a few megabytes

when i did a showoff dive

in the swimming pool

and landed headfirst

on the bottom and bounced on my head

up and over legs in the air

and then body hanging limpid floating

till someone helpful pulled me


and now i wonder if i concussed

my head

secretly hoping that

it may make me a little bit crazy

or eccentric or quirky or just plain

rabbling mad;

just not dead.


looking at her

glancing at her

thinking of her

wishing for her

maybe it's her.


the revenge against the irc channels.

oh those phony kids

on their phonelines writing lies.

i was so angry when they kicked me for saying fuck

hey fuck!what's up?!

they started freaking out when

lines and lines of gibberish

ruined their screens of beautiful words

and heck,who flood?

i told one guy to start scolding me

when they started chiding me

it's so funny

i made myself the matyr.



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