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01:57:44 - 2001-03-18
my friend the nut-zee against the sensitive new age indians.

during those lobo days in the army,we were used as low-wage workers to help in the unit anniversary dinner held at the orchid country club for the smiling big-shots all dressed up in their funereal clothes.we move tables around and put in some useful hands.

after the dinner,they took down the president's photograph and of course the first lady's too.her photograph landed in my friend's hands and as he stared at the face on it,he laughed.a bit too loudly.and one sargeant saw it and because the person in the picture happened to be an indian and so friend was marked as racist.

later another officer heard about the matter and a few weeks later when we thought the matter was finally closed and we had already forgotten all about it,my friend received a very special surprise: extra cos duties 7 days in a row.

"if that's not racist,then what's racist?"

the sargeant and officer happened to be indians.

what a coincidence.

the running joke of the month:my friend the nutzee against snai.


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