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12:30 p.m. - 2001-04-1
returning a video tape at the store
Returning a video tape at the store


at the video rental shop,he stood at the doorway.there were two women returning or borrowing videotapes at the counter and one was chatting with the rental girl while the other was looking at a video demonstration on a tv set positioned high above the was showing Money No Enough and there was jack neo and his actors speaking in hokkien.

he raised his head and looked.when the first lady had finished,the second lady put her tapes onto the counter and said to the rental girl,

"hello,are the new tapes here yet?"

the rental girl smiled and said no,taking the tapes away and placing them upon a shelf behind the counter.then she apologised,that she had to switch off the demonstration which they were looking at.he turned and looked at them.

the second lady was a short long-haired girl with attractive chinese looks and she was wearing a rather baggy t-shirt with shorts and slippers,in a common "bed-washed" fashion,meaning she was dressed in her sleeping clothes,and probably,like all of them in the shop,lived in one of the millions of hdb flats nearby.

while the rental girl handed some new tapes to the second lady,he noticed a reddish mark or rather bruise on the lady's looked like a delicious lovebite her lover had given her the night was showing rather conspicuously and he noticed that the rental girl and the first lady who stood waiting;they had stared at it momentarily,just for an instant and there was a very quick and almost unnoticeable flash in the rental girl's eyes as she held out the tapes,but maybe he'd imagined it,but otherwise,they showed no expression at all on their faces,or maybe that was no lovebite at all but just an irritable scratch of his imagination which roved around sexually at times.

he moved out of the background,handed his tape to the rental girl,and walked away.



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