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7:12 p.m. - 2001-04-11
the sharpest sniper in the world
the sharpest sniper in the world

i met the SHARPEST SNIPER IN THE WORLD at the back of the bus,riding home from the library,looking out the window staring at the rain and the people walking by and i heard this pew! pew! short rapid whisper by my side and i turn around and i see this little malay kid holding up his umbrella and squinting one eye and aiming at the crowds at the people walking and his mouth going pew! pew! pew! and with each powerful shot from his long gun,his shoulders jerk up like a recoil and the whole scene almost killed me as i stared at him and at the dumb people in the bus-stops.the windows have misted through and the people know not a thing happening and i shudder and turn over in my belly.laughing in the deserted bus and the kid sees me and smiles and i smile conspiratorily back and he continues firing away. pew! pew! pew!


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