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6:12 p.m. - 2001-04-29
he wakes up in the mid of the night in the mid of nowhere he finds himself without anything in his life to lean on he can't lean onto himself anymore that would only be useless as useless as the drugs and the injection treatments he took to ease the pain the pain it can't be eased cos he ain't deceased life's a disease life's a joke but he can't laugh especially now since he has nothing left but only his dignity and he can't lose that by appearing to join in the fun and laugh at the pain in his legs what's there to laugh at? you mean this is a joke?

played by god? real funny eh.

imagine that!


a night without sleep and it feels like a headache that won't stop the throb the veins and the grog the time it took for us to wake up and stop the throb the veins and the drop the heart drops like a lead like a lead on a leesh it won't let go swinging to and fro a loop and a hoop a loop is a hoop a loop around the hoop to and fro.


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