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6:18 p.m. - 2001-04-29
pls lengthen your playlists or i'll stop listening.
hi,i have something to complain,if you will ,pls forward this e-mail to the

relevant authorities.

i want to complain about the stupid radio stations in singapore,really

useless pple.

today i was doing work which is very repetitive and boring and so i switched

on the radio and then a nice song was coming in from 98.7 then after that a

few more other time wore down,i realised that i was listening to

the same song i heard earlier.and then and so they must have a

playlist which the dj must play...but can't the stupid playlist be

longer.the stupid playlist is so short it doesn't even last for one whole

day and that's why they have to keep repeating the playlist again and again.

and are the radio stations doing any real work?they seem to be just copying

what other radio stations are playing and what's the next current britney

hit again and again hit me hit me one more time...haha....they must be real

lazy pple.don't they eveer get bored?


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