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7:13 p.m. - 2001-05-03
just now while i was taking a drink in the kitchen and i was like looking out the windows at the streets,it was around ten o'clock in the night and i was just looking at the orange glow of the road lamps and then i saw something drop down,i mean it sort of just fell past my window, and i nearly jumped,i thought someone had taken a dry dive,a suicide,and i felt like a feeling of dread just crept up as i stopped and listened for the thud.i held my cup of water in my hand and stared closer at the falling thing and after a moment,i realised that it was actually just some cardboard paper floating ominously down. i live in the 12th storey and never felt more scared of cardboard than just now.

there was one time when i was going to school in the morning and then as i walked down the stairs and got to the ground floor,there was this blue and white plastic police line and a sheet covering someone.

a few days after that,me and my friends were at the playground,talking,and there was a funeral at the void deck and well,some people said that it was a young girl who had...went,and er...i don't really recall what happened,and then either we just fell quiet or there was this general wide-eyed surprise all around,and then people started trying to recall if they had seen a young girl while they were walking down the stairs and just went past her or they saw her while waiting for the lift and she pressed the "door open" button for them when they were carrying stuff or whether she was the girl whom they nodded to when they met her in the mornings and just silently went past each other without a word,save a second glance.was that her? now she's gone?


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