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3:29 p.m. - 2001-05-20
from the old files

when i've grown old,and feelings are numb

my hair turns grey.and all my teeth fall off

wizened skin; colds and aches

can't do nothing but mumble.

my children live in another place

i've returned home to another place

i'm a stranger i've lost my way

"hey what did you say?"

"sorry? i can't hear you."

"oh, that's sad to say, or hear,whatever."

kids have all gone

and left me alone.

wife? she died ten years long

and never came back since

last i heard,she was with someone called the King.

everyday i cried "eve got tried"

because i can't tell "she got sent to hell"

what people can't hear "swallowed by the fear"

i'm old,useless?

she's dead,am i ridiculous?



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