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2:46 p.m. - 2001-06-02
the saf.

singapore armed forces.


this week,they suddenly have this NCC 21 vision.

SAF 21. punggol 21. and now what NCC 21.

all the secondary school kids coming into the army camp and then building tents in the field and then shooting m-16s in the army range.this is suppose to give them some sense of what army life is and what they can expect.

what a lie.

if you still don't know or think that the army is a well-organised machine,i urge you to think again and to look after yourself,especially when you have grown over complacent and think that the army will take care of you just because you are a member.please...wake up your idea.

the army classifies you right from the start.

if you are a hokkien peng-with not even o level grades or'll most probably be sent to these mono intakes in fighting units.we call these people "men".if you're not officer or sgt,you,re a "man".you can also call yourself the second lowest lifeform in the army next to recruits.

if you are an "a" level,once you have not gone to sispec for training all the sargeants or to ocs which train all the officers,you'll be sent to be with the "men."

you'll be promoted to cpl.

that's the highest you can go.

to be frank,this is all i've learnt in the army:the officers use their rank and power to order the sargeants and then the sgts use their power to order the men.

and so after your bmt,and you're already classified as "men",you can say hello to some years for servitude like sweeping dead leaves,cleaning toilets,buying food for higher rank people,all these servant jobs known as national service.

so this is why the worst comes out in people in the army as everyone scurries to avoid work and also climb up that career ladder so that they can avoid doing menial work and can order others to do it for them.

the army regulars are often this kind of people.some nsf people are's perfectly alright to be selfish when you are in the army.integrity?what's that?

of course there are some who are not like that,but these some are already thinking about quiting the army,breaking their contract or not renewing their contract.

i am an nsf.

i'm just a cpl serving my national service of two and a half fucking years.

what have i heard from all these stupid people?

my officer says,

"in the saf,there is no such thing as i giving you incentives for you to do work."

but sir,you must understand the mentality of the nsf and the regulars.

nsf will not get pay raises or promotions once they have reached their "ceiling"

(that is once you cpl,all the way you cpl.) and the meagre pay compared to yours? nsf only get $340 something if you're a fuckin cpl like me ...but the regulars have pay raises,promotions,mid-year perfomance bonuses,and all the fuckin money my fathers and my mothers pay through the income tax to give you so that their sons can be ordered around by you all to do all these meaningless bo-liao stuff.

for the regulars,they can be easily motivated to do all their stupid work by giving them money.

but for the nsf,what do we have?

our pay is fixed already.

the only thing that matters to us if you're giving us day off so that we can rest after hard work.

is that soo much to ask?

fuck you.

i've finished serving my two years in the operational unit and i've watched all the hokkien peng ord happily and go off into their civilian lives as i stayed behind to continue serving a half year more.

what is this half year more?

it's a half year more of cleaning up all the administration and other shit the hokkien pengs have left.

a half year more of doing all these bo-liao stuff...when the hokkien peng were still around ,the officers don't bother to tell them to clean and arrange the bunks for the next intake..probably because the officers are scared of the hokkien pengs because of thier stupid tattooes...instead the officers just let them ord happily,leaving all the shitty work like cleaning their weapons and the bunks for the rest of the servicemen around,most probably those "a' level fucks who are cpls and have to serve half year more.

all these "a" level fucks...the officers always like to threaten us.

saying what if we screw up,they will charge us and we will go to DB (something like prison) and then we will lose our places in the local university.

they always like to say what "don't screw up your lives,ruin you life,ruin,your career..."

and so on...what a bunch of crap comes out of these regular people's mouths.

they seem to think that we "a" level people are very obedient and that we will do anything they tell us to do and that they can charge us into prison and then our whole lives are ruined.

this is the kind of fuckin society singapore is.

once you've gone to prison,you might as well commit suicide.

one wrong move and you're dead.

i don't believe in this kind of shit.

why don't they tell this to a primary school kid who stole a pencil from a bookshop?

tell the kid his life is ruined.tell him to go and die.

laws do not exist for these kind of logical crap.

you shouldn't make laws to scare people to do stuff and keep within boundaries.

i mean,so the next time i see somebody doing something bad,i'll just be apathetic and be a passer-by because i'm not required under the law to do anything.

you cannot always go by the stupid book.which the army always like to go by.

like there's an easier way of doing things,and we suggest to the officer,but he must die die do the hard way,because he scared his carreer would be affected.

it's very easy for him,all he has to do is just move his fuckin mouth and point his finger and we do all the rest of the sweaty dirty work and then he sits in his air-con room and calls a higher ranking officer to get credit for the job done.

then he tells us,"okay give you all one day off! .....sunday."

he thinks he's very funny.

he's just being an asshole.

i dunno how you can consider this serving your country when you are making your own countrymen do not bother to think in their shoes.what have they got?they have nothing.

go ahead,advance!

advance your carreer.

all the glossy stupid army ads.fuck!

i look at them i want to puke.

and of course,there's also the article in bigO about the missing 1.1 billion unaccounted for in the should go and read it.


haha...if you 're a regular,let me laugh in your face.


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