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1:50 p.m. - 2001-06-04
the sEx PiStoLs FAQ
the sex pistols FAG. (i mean FAQ)

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who are the sex pistols?

sid vicious johnny rotten paul cook steve jones glenn matlock and one other

guy i forgot his name. maybe it's bob the guy in the purple barney suit.

anyway,so how does the sex pistols sound like?

like a nasal whine,a neurotic rant,an i'll kill you and kill myself bawl.a

sarcasm shouted choking with laughter,laughing at everyone and then realising

only it's himself--"so much hate has been left out...needs a shout...a shout!"

their songs were short cos with all the spitting out of lyrics by johnny

rotten with such anger and sarcasm;you could only sustain that kind of energy

for about three minutes and that's how long the songs lasted.

who killed himself?

sid vicious.he had a girlfiend called naueseous nancy who asked him to kill

her cos she was very miserable;sid didn't want to kill her but later he agreed

and then weeks after her death, sid_vic overdosed on heroin and went to meet BOG

and all his clowns in the sky.he was around 21 then.this ended the band.

were the sEx pIStoLs manufactured?like boyzone,westlife and spice girls and

smap and echoboys?

yes.they were like hauled up by the police and the manager happened to share

the same cell with them that night.incidentally,there was also another cellmate

called pooh the psychotic teedy bear who later went on to become the wwf

champion in 1979.

nah,i think steve jones the guitarist had only just started playing the

guitar for 6 months and then they played together around simple chords and stuff

with johnny rotten sneering his lyrics out and then later the bassist glenn

matlock got kicked out or something and then their biggest fan,sid vicious,a

childhood friend of johnny rotten's gleefully filled the role though he didn't

know how to play bass at all but he added to the energy,hurting himself on stage

and generally having a roar.then he died and

in a year,they came and broke everyone and then ended abruptly.

famous quotes?

"i'll die before i'm very old,i don't know why,i just have this feeling."--or

something like that by sid_vic.

who later really snuffed it.

"in the end,everyone becomes what they hate."---this is another quote but

not by them.i put it here because i like it.

"they were really assholes...coming in crashing at my house in the mid of

the night and then leaving all their shit behind in the morning for me to

clear."----something like this or whatever ,said by johnny rotten when he got

old,about his bandmates.

"here we are now,entertain us."---this is obviously not said by any of them

.it's a lyric from NIRvana's "smells like teen spirit".kurt cobain said that

this was what he and krist novoselic used to say when they came into parties and

the host welcomed them in.

did the sEx pIsToLS make a comeback like the eagles or whatever band that

died and rebirthed?

i think they did,but only briefly,with the last few surviving members of the

band.around the year 1996. but of course i don't bother to remember the exact

numerical value of the year so "don't quote me on that."

the song people most remember them for?

god save the queen.

this is not the british anthem although the british anthem has the same title.

it's a parody,get it.

then fuck off.

god save the queen

the fascist regime

they made you a moron

potential h-bomb

god save the queen

she ain't no human being

there is no future

in england's dreaming

don't be told what you want

don't be told what you need

there's no future,no future

no future for you.

(...and bloody so on....)

my favourite song?

it's got to be majulah singapura (100th remixed version).

if you're talking about sex pistols song,then it's "seventeen"

you're only twentynine

gotta lot to learn

but when your mummy dies

she will not return

(and then other ranting talk cock sing song...)

i'm a lazy sod i'm a lazy sod

i'm a lazy sod i'm so lazy

i'm a lazy sod i'm a lazy sid

i'm a lazy sod i'm so lazy

i can't even be bothered

lazy lazy..

how did i get to come across the SEx PisTOls?

i was playing retarded bass in my jc band and then later got snubbed out.

the frontman of that band lent me a tape of the sex pistols during one of those

stifling sessions at his house so that i could take home and listen.this is how

the story came about.

so what's the deal with the sex pistols sew-on patch you used to have on your

school bag?

oh,i came across the sew-on patch while i was shopping around with spurs one

day after school at peninsular plaza.i wanted to buy a nirvana patch and i

bought it and then i saw this cool serial killer alphabet patch of the british

queen with her eyes and mouth crudely censored out and i thought it was cool and

so i bought was a sex pistols patch and before then i had not listened to

their music.i just bought it because it was preetty vacunt,meaning

cool.technically,you could say it was poseurish.

then one day,i just tore it off,after having it on for several weeks.i don't

wish to attract unnecessary attention from people i don't want to

meet....meaning other punks.i already told you about the far east centre clik

already,didn't i.anyway,i'm a nerd.

don't try to kid yerself

nah ,i didn't think i was a nerd.

i thought i was preetty cool.and anti-social.


you didn't let me finish....i thought i was preetty cool.the cool sublime

subversive dostoevsky.and hid in a mousehole.the conformist who thinks he's an

anti social artist.what a -ve creep.

so what the fuck? you're lying to us!

hey fuck you back !

fuck off! mind your own business and shut up!

you think you what big fuck?!

have you been enlightened?

there was this time when i was hit on the head by lightning.i had just met

spurs during our jc first 3 months and i was grumbling to him about my life and

so on and when i finally finished,he said,"you think i'm your girlfriend?" "you

tell me all these for fuck."

there and then,total truth clarity struck me.i survived the twenty something

million volts and laughed.

then later on,i would use this colloquial somersaut to get irritating people

to shut up and keep their troubles to themselves. i 've also used it a few times

back on spurs as revenge.

do you have any Sex PiStOLs cd you can lend me?

i'm not terribbly sorry at all because i don't have any sex pistols cd at

all.all i have is a cassette tape i duplicated from the one the frontman lent

me.and i would also rather let the cassette tape mould and disintegrate rather

than lend you.

for your information,i've made tiny yellow mental notes in my brain about

buying a sex pistols cd when i get my next pay.unfortunately,i always forget or

rather selectively choose to spend the money on useless stuff like

food,transportation,cancers,canteen-crap,counterstrike hours at the

mechmaster,and so on...

anyway,go and buy your own cd and stop whining or camping outside my home or

i'll call the cops.

do you believe in ANARCHY?

hey fren,let me tell you,i'm also a flower power child ok?wait till you see

my next faq about the sixties.piss lard turd,my dear frens.

there are more faqs coming up?

hey fren,let me tell you,i'm also a communist ok? wait till you see the next

faq about how i played ping pong and strip-bridge with mao zedong my old mate in

the bridge club.

there are some gross factual errors in your faq,you know.

hey fren,i know,it's deng xiaoping,not MAO,who likes playing bridge.and the

rest of the spelling mistakes,i dunno,you go and find out and then sue my ass

off till i have to sell my brother's computer and my stamp's

just a simple spelling/typing misstake,ok?

it's very late now,you know?

yes i know,i'm tired and i want to sleep ,so byebye.

the end.

no dictionaries were thumbed in the making of this FAQ.~

most of the info is useless.


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