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5:04 p.m. - 2001-08-03
amusing ourselves to death....pliagarised.
hi...i haven't update for some time lareadi but this is not information you want to know anyway. here are some interesting stuff i've read and which might be interesting to you people.... most if not all,of these are pliagarised,but fuck it. george bernard shaw's remarks on his first seeing the glittering neon signs of broadway and 42nd street at night."it must be beautiful",he said,"if you cannot read." now for an in depth discussion on that above remark: (convent girl twenty cent accent) Now,what does that above remark mean? to put into context of the singapore "scene",broadway and 42nd street is probably the strip joints and topless bars and lasak bars and ktv lounges and nightclubs and shiny pink and yellow neon signs of hotels 88,81,and so geylang. so go on,go over what george has said...they must be beautiful,if you cannot read. that's what he said. okay now for some other stuff about television: i'm typing these out from notes...urm.."amusing ourselves to death,the age of show business,by somebody."... `to be continued later i going out now to orchard to meet old friends.byebye.


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