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10:28 p.m. - 2001-09-18
short story
yes 21 years and god knows how many months since i cannot be bothered to count the itty bits of life...time flies..and when everything is quiet suddenly i'm struck.

"the demons have arrived!",shouted the guy watching the door.

he stands there peeping through the keyhole anxiously waiting.

is he the betrayer.he seems to be excited and sad at the same time,maybe the whole point of his life has been this moment,the time the demons come to take over the town.

there they come,sweeping the dust flying all over like a plague and then their cackles and opposite laughters ring the air and they descend upon the town with their black capes.

the demons have arrived.


i've been waiting too...

the whole point is pointless.

it seems you can't help escaping to sleep and yet sleep runs fast and you can't chase it,and then you stumble and fall and laugh to yourself saying it's not front of others.

"fuck the demons,you understand?"

the door-man said.

"fuck them,man."

ya...listen to the door-man cos he's seen countless past through that door.he's been standing guard there for years and he never seems tired.some people say he's the devil.he laughs to himself silently and waves at the demons.

"come on're gonna get a whole lot of fucking...",he whispered rattily.

---to be continued.


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