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12:54 a.m. - 2001-12-28
hi all,i was really inspired by all the interesting,trivial everyday stuff, my friends have been putting into their diaries, reading them and thinking about what went on in their lives even though i was absent in them, it's like some eye in the sky ( i have just finished watching Lord of the rings,so this metaphor).i feel some sense of happyness seeing my friends write down their thoughts and how they figure some things out in their minds.

so i shall write some of my trivial stuff out also.

just now i was flipping channels on the tv watching screamtest and kalifornia and trigger happy tv simultaneously, really i watched all three whoes at roughly around the same time on my old tv set by using the remote effectively. this way, i'll be utilising my brain more productively than you single-sensory-input-deciphering pple.

i like them tv shows, just entertaining my self. i dunno why when people grow to a certain age near the end of teenage, they start slagging the tv and how mindless it is....that's me...and then really, have i forgotten how happy i was to sit in front of the tv and just watch my cartoons?

ok i'll write more when i'm not busy doing stuff like irc or reading.


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