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12:48 p.m. - 2001-12-30
a stupid tape story
a tape

that time in jc, I made a tape for wenlong,he was listening to cassette tapes then and I thought of introducing him to the sex pistols so I made a small tape consisting of only one song on both sides,that is �Anarchy in the UK� and �God Save the Queen�. because of the unequal length of the songs,there was some blank space on one side, and so I thought of doing something funny, like some kind of commentary upon the songs. in keeping with the punk spirit of the two songs, I decided to record a wail in fake angst like some gothic metal punk voice crying hate. I used my brother�s old tape recorder which had a mic on it and then at the part after the song, I recorded mysself shouting into the built-in mic,� arghghghgh�.arghghhhh�.( gothic monstrous pain ) I wantttttt toooo ddiiieeeee�.dieeee!�. dieeee! (deliberately dragging the words) helpppp meee! hellpp me!! hellp me�kill meee...� untill the tape ended.

I listened to it and satisfied, I passed the tape to wenlong, telling him to listen to both sides carefully, I didn�t tell him about the crying stuff I added.

the next day, we met in school again, he told me the songs were alright but he got a fright becos of some crying suddenly, like a monster. I laughed and told him it was me and he said he nearly heart attack becos the hiss of the tape as the song ended suddenly broke into a loud cry, scaring him.i asked him whether he could hear what the words were and he said yes and did a half-hearted attempt of repeating the crying he heard, � argh�.argh�.want to die�help�help..� something like that.i was really amused. then he told me he had already erased that part by recording blank noise over it using his own tape machine. I was horrified ( not very horrified cos of seeing a ghost but horrified at the loss) and I asked him why. he said he found it satanic and the crying was really like some monster. ( I guess he hadn�t heard of metal at that time. )

I guess sometimes when we do or say something for the lark, for the kick, for the moment, just off the head, or for another purpose entirely; it might turn out to be so�.exact.


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