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12:49 p.m. - 2002-01-12
false singapore ghost stories
False Singapore Ghost Stories

i've decided to move out of my university hostel, i had a real unpleasant encounter of the third kind.

it was a real scary night.

i remember it was an ordinary humid night when i told my room-mate i was sleepy and i switched off the lights in our room and he switched on his table lamp to continue his own studying.

well, i was really tired but i just couldn't get to sleep.i felt uneasy.and i've the habit of sleeping in total darkness which i guess almost everyone has, but even the dimmest light would affect me and i cannot drift off to sleep. (cos i'm a hamster.that is, if you believe me.)

anyway, yeah, about an hour later, my roommate switched off his table lamp and turned in also. how did i know it was an hour later? well, truth to say, it was more like three hours later because of all the restlessness of lying on a bed and thinking depressing thoughts and not being able to sleep; it was like reverse meditation where all kinds of nonsense and troublesome stuff enter the mind and dizzy around.

yes, untill my roommate switched off the lights in the room was i able to find peace and true harmony with the rest of the natural world with the yin and the yang and maybe a touch of wood shavings that remind me of the forest where my great ancestors once lived.

ok anyway, yeah i slept, and did i slept, i had a great dream of burrowing a small hole into the ground where i was able to hide and torment myself with my forty years of humiliation and distress, they say the older the wine, the better it gets.i dunno if this has anything to do with the events that were going to happen later but who is to say that all things must happen logically and in the correct sequence?

anyway, in my third anyway of this story, i did wake up in the middle of the night. i had just finished the dream and well i just woke up.

i stared at the ceiling in the darkness and wished i was dead.

then, my roommate spoke.

i knew he had the habit of speaking in his sleep. but what he said was real scary and in an angry tone that was loud and pierced the silence of the dark night, he said," would you believe it, i smack your head into two parts!"

it sounded childish. like the stuff of childish quarrels and threats.

i was not amused. i just pulled my blanket tighter over me and waited for sleep to take over.

then he spoke again.

this time, it was a strange female voice that sounded old.

i nearly freaked out, the hairs on my back stood up and i cringed under the blanket.

then there was silence again. i waited for him or it to speak again. but no more, everything was over.

yeah, everything was over. i decided to move out of the haunted hostel.i'm packing my bags. goodbye.


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