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12:40 a.m. - 2002-02-10
how to escape survival!
hahaha...the army days were typically maudlin. here's something my bunkmates came up with during the two weeks BMT confinement in the isolated countryside resort of Tekong.

How to escape from Tekong

well, they've certainly supplied us with a lot of army supplies like green towels, green mugs, green socks, green water bottles and green uniforms and toothpaste and razor ( dun commit suicide!) and a small pen and a black notebook ( write down all the things you wish to do when you get out) and a pair of swimming trunks and lotsa kiwi to polish your boots.

all these equipment is very useful.

The MacGuyver guy will strip naked and kiwi his body totally black, even his teeth and his hairy balls and then he will wear the black swimming trunks ( if he use his mind in the first place, maybe he won't need to kiwi his balls, but still, the trunks might get shred to bits by sharks, so who knows, better be prepared, that's what the army taught you.)

Then he will tie the two water bottles around his neck for buoyancy( or he might fill them with water just in case he gets thirsty along the way.)and then jump from a deserted spot in the deserted island into the sea and swim back to the mainland.

avoid the sharks and the evil jellyfish

back to my beloved and my comfy bed and pillows.

this is how.and dun get caught.


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