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11:04 a.m. - 2002-04-17
Favouritism...that's what its all about.
�Conversations with myself� (that�s the title of a book.)

I felt quite biblical today.

A knock on my door and I was half expecting god to be there.

And I was going to open the door.

(you heard of this before?)

Instead, two well-meaning persons stood outside.

So they told me there were bringing a message of peace.

�Do you believe in God?�

So I just said, �sometimes�.

They thought it was an interesting answer

but that�s the truth�human faith has its cracks.

And so they talked about finding peace

and eliminating wickedness

�and the meek shall inherit the earth.�

I said �nevermind, nevermind.�

shaking my head and repeating the mantra,

closing the door slowly�

�if gods want to speak to me, tell them to speak to me directly,

he doesn�t have to go through you.�

�By the way, why is God a He?�

Refering to god in human terms�hmm�

I shall wear my underwear on my head

and venture across the desert

searching for my gods and my exam answers.

(my exams are coming! God help me!)

I�m sick of being a follower�

man, I wanna start my own religion!

Ha Ha Ha


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