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1:43 p.m. - 2002-05-31
bell n sebastards song "get me away from here, im dying."
"get me away from here, im dying"--bell n sebastards

we had a class clown in sec 1 and 2. he didn't have a cute appealing look and he wasn't popular with everyone because we all thought he was quite selfish and spastic. Once i need 20 cents to be changed in 10-cent coins because i had to make a phonecall home and i asked him but he smiled and refused to lend me. But thinking back, he had all the right to do that.

we bullied him, made taunts at him,(of course, not everybody's so spiteful, but those who didn't do anything to stop are maybe also guilty of feeling a little pleasure in seeing something so atrocious it can be comical)

he locked his bag with a padlock during recess thinking that we would do somehting evil, instead we were amused and one guy took his whole bag and hid it somewhere, near the toilet i think. we also played hide and seek frequently with his plastic water bottle.

there were also a few fights and everyone stayed back after school to cheer and jeer and to see someone (perpertrator or victim) get a bloody lip.

he retreated into himself and studied atlases voraciously. The geography teacher liked him because he could recall every place on the planet. we thought he was being a bit pompous and extra because he was always flipping through those huge map books in the school library. Maybe he was just trying to escape from this place, or more probably from us.

years passed and we all graduated from that all boys high school.( a hell-hole where you can easily find someone checking you out when you're peeing or some guys discussing the colour of a teacher's underwear, ya and the teacher is a male.) is there enough gay jokes in here? nvm.

During a school reunion, i met him and he was still being friendly to everyone; he seemed to have put the past behind him...maybe it wasn't really his past. it was more like our past.

He came over to me and shook my hand and asked me how my current school-life was. i could only smile fakely and say "fine". There was still this barrier between us that i don't think time can erase. He reminded me of a teddybear, though i don't know why, i think its his fuzzy hair and charlie chaplin walk and affable smile.


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