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10:53 p.m. - 2002-05-20
the holidays, some say, are the best days of our lives
Poems for the holidays

there was one time

lying around the house

my playstation controller in my hand

the sprites on the glass screen jumping at me

i thought i should get some better armour or swords

to fight this world

like that 16-bit guy and villian created world destruction.


i sit and gain fat and count the number of fat rings around my waist.

i think of running to the kitchen to burn some calories.

the distance is about 8 metres.

ya, it isn't long. blame it on my small house. there's no swimming pool in here.

tough luck.


i walked to the ang mo kio interchange

to buy some games from my supplier

i think i should report him to the anti-piracy police

so that i can use the cash reward and buy more games and stuff.


my recycle box is full.

i click and empty it.

then it becomes full again.

and i empty it again.

i should subscribe to netnanny

or get myself a gf.


rich dad poor dad

robert kiyosaki

i thought he was a character from

an old video game i never play.

some pony tailed asian guy wearing suits

and flying kicks at tae kwon do gear wearing man.

i was giving out flyers at the mrt station

and wanted to sidekick some people.

rich dad poor dad

have some kit kat.

take a break.

ate at this place at raffles place station.

goddamm hot weather.

"are these people crazy?

wearing suits in this weather."


soi es ca`re devoiur

a latin school motto in a junior college in sungopure

it means

"get some A's and fuck off."

or "this is a school."

or "keep off the grass."

or "some like it hot. we like it wet....chilli!"

my school cheer is a fake smile.


i get on a bus


seventy six and away...way...way...

the hot sun can't come in

cos it's air-con in 23 degrees.

a not-so-beautiful schoolgirl gets on with her friends.

some guys get on with themselves at home.

get on

get off

she stares at me before she gets off the bus like she knows.


thinking of redecorating the house

in vampire foggy forest paintings

and hellhounds and gnarly roots at the doorstep and some black clothes.

i say to myself

(a hundred times before and after and future)

i'll do it when i get my own room or house.

i knew i wouldn't do it now.



the time is not right

the time is never right

the feeling is not there

the feeling is never there

you can stand and continue to stare

but she stands there and she doesn't care.

the witch will throw the toad into the broth when the boiling is right.


i met this guy

jamming in joo chiat

he beat the drums

he strum guitar

he smile

i stand and picked bass


he speak to his frens who just came in thru the door

channel suria i dun understand

then we did some metal rap

rage against the machine

the machine is a washing mashine and its spoilt.

the other guy raps good.

i thought i should leave

and i got up and said to him banging the drums,

i gotta go now,

i take out my wallet and pretend to give him some money,

he said, nvm.

so i put back wallet, took my stuff and went.

they continue playing.

this is good.

the band never stops playing.

people keep coming and going

and the sound is continued.


i shall end off this stuff with some words of wisdom.

"success is dependent on the constant striving for meaning.,..or else all effort is futile." (a phrase found in "the other side of the mirror", a collection of vampire stories by alan david price....a book i scanned thru and pronounced sublimely irritating and no vampires but the sucking spirit in humans.)

that is the meaning of these holidays even if i did not get a proper vacation job to earn my keep.

that is my excuse.

here's some spanish i picked up from thin air.

"que` ce funta`do nqewtfb."

it means i just got broadbanded and my mind is blank with the endless possibilities i could do.

maybe i should do a yahoo search on the words "broadband + possibilities" and see what i can do.

ok this is it,byebye.


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