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11:54 a.m. - 2002-06-04
did someone call for a dragon-slayer?
lady compassion, spare a thought for righteousness...he is flaying the beast in himself

you know, i can put my self in your shoes and see the situation from your eyes, maybe feel the same bored and meaningless inertia of life, the sense of insignificance and anger at invisible things, a need to do something, anything, murder, rape and plunder, father molests his daughter.

but still, i have to scold you.

i have to. really.

maybe curse you.

work up some anger,

even if i feel nothing, insensitive.

i should take out a whip and whip you.

give you a beating so hard that you'll be afraid for the rest of your life.

my metal buckle against your cheek.

do you dare to do it again?

i'm scared.

if i forgive your actions,

one day i might become you.

you remind me of myself in the future.

prison officer,

when you whup him, remember to whup me.


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