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10:38 p.m. - 2002-06-10
my band my broadband

hi pple, you can stop camping at HMV or Jurong Point already; we have gone to the estate of ang mo kio, the ghettoes of geylang, the hotels of cityhall and the forests of pulau ulbin and we have selected our band members.

they are: (in order of no merit)

1.the chinese girl (she'll be in charge of vocals or oral sex).

2.the indian man (he'll be playing drums).

3.the malay mat (he'll be playing his guitar all day long).

4.the foreign-origin herpes stuck on a chinese guy; to make up our "others" section (it'll be playing bass).

Our instruments are sponsored by armani, boss, stussy, ck, and er channel i.

the name of the band is called M'sia.

yes, we know that we are a real singaporean band. But really, we are a punk band and we thought we better have a real punk name, you know, like the Rejects, MIsfits, whatever...and M'sia just came up.

ya, in a way, this also serves as a deterence to anybody who is preparing to shout " M'sia sucks!" at our opening concert this friday night at serangoon community centre. The pple from the ISA will be there as our security guards. Anybody inciting matters that threaten the state of our nation's security will be locked up without trial at the president's discretion. yes, thank you.

the song we've written is a remix of the national anthem to reflect the statistical racial makeup of our country currently. The melody itself will be punked up of course, and the lyrics will consist of 70% chinese words, 20% malay words, 8% indian words and %25 foreign words like "boutique", "para para sakura", "cest la vie", "love", etc etc....

yes, we do know that the above numbers do not make up %100. (we are all f-maths students.) we do this overflow of percentages exactly because of the influx of foreigners/tourists into our country and they're taking up precious seats on the mrt train.

there will be great big fights between band member A and member B, just like some crazy rock bands. we'll also be pushing press releases to the public to stir up enough hype. Maybe we will have reports of incest sent to the lianhe wanbao. okay, pls remember to come see our concert and stay funky 4eva!!

hahaahahaha *fake parisian laughter with hand near mouth*


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