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11:07 p.m. - 2002-06-10
i don't play pool/billiards but guess what i've learned.
do you play pool/billiard? make sure you don't do this.

or i'll kill you.

(do you know that pple with strong opinions have strong character? or that opinions change?)


things i learnt to hate while seeing my friends playing at the billiard centre:

0. i don't play billiards and i don't want to learn.

1. Girls playing pool with their boyfriends. (i dun have a gf and so i hate such public displays of affection. Pple with relationships should be locked up in prisons and be separated by a berlin wall.) Absence makes the heart look elsewhere.

2. Girls who take up the cue stick, stroke it a bit and chalk it daintily at the end, such careful attention, while smiling away at their boyfriends suggestively. ( a cue-stick is long, and hard.)

3. Guys who wear gloves to play. (They either have killed their ex-wives or are harmless pretentious pricks.)

4. Girls wearing low cut spaghetti straps bending over to shoot a ball. (hey man, i paid $6.80 an hour to do some serious sport, not get distracted by SEX! and the air-con's cold.)

5. Pple who take more than 40 seconds to aim their shot. (Dun waste my fxxking time, man. You need a sniper-scope?)

6. Pple who chalk incessantly like they think they're william white or that guy who won the snooker championship.

7. Pple who say things like "eh, i dunno how to play, give some chance leh." (These pple deserve to be given a chance to take one shot... and then stand at the side and watch his opponent take every ball into the end.

No chances, only losers.)

8. this is the eighth and last rule of the game. my fren made up this rule. he plays with high-rollers everytime and he says this rule separates the real "kings" from the hoodlums. ~whoever pots the black 8ball gets to feed it to his opponent. yea, eat it raw.

the end.


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