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10:39 p.m. - 2002-06-18
am i in a mtv or what?
i dunno if you ever experience this before, but it seems so....

thats what i mean. totally hanging in the air.

i was sitting there among a bunch of old friends. And i saw another old fren, though we didn't know each other that much in the past, i thought i should wave or raise my eyebrows or smile wryly, since i was looking in his general direction and our eyes would meet anyway.

i dun think i look gay or suggestive or perhaps i did look unfamiliar or how disfigured midgets or monsters smile and it becomes a leer.

whats the deal anyway?

are those pple who smile back pretentious?

are those pple who dun react cool?

i think i should carry and flash a placard that reads "hi...i dun feel like reacting." whenever someone waves or nods or calls my name in public loudly like a festive greeting once in a while.

on this hard rocky surface of a cliff hanging over the crashing irish sea, i stare into the distance and ponder...


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