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10:45 a.m. - 2002-07-19
The after death is afraid.

do you want to be a singaporean again.

or a human in any case

the ordeal:

everything again.

maybe the happiness of relearning things.

maybe its not pain.

so have you been listening to metal?

its full of existentialist crap

or rather do you like the absurdist rythmes of alice

maybe she never grew up but she did grow taller

with a munch on the magic cupcake.

i hope they never killed her.

if only,

the doorknob would budge and we can all come a-tumbling out

back to the green grassy field underneath the tree on a sunday afternoon.

how would you like to see that sky

lying as you are now

on the sweet dewy wet grass

seeing the gentle blue

try to catch a fluffy cloud with your out stretched hand

the kind lady clasps your hand

and pushes the pram.

did you forget the way you died.


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