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11:07 a.m. - 2002-07-05
madness and quitting
i am feeling sick and am writing this using one finger to tap at the keyboard. hope you dun mind the slow speed...

(all tragedies should be bitterly funny and mediocre like accidentally wearing your pe t-shirt backwards during pe lesson.)

so how did i quit smoking?

i just felt i was not born into it...

the way james dean and other cinematic "greats" do it.

and looking at the little kids who are younger than me smoking and walking on the streets, seems like a teenage mtv super cool video about the "hood" and the underworld. about bad, about morons, about there.

ya, and sometimes, it makes me sick. too much of it, you won't feel any high no more like the first few times you tried. instead it starts to feel more like the sad and depressing times you smoked when circumstances are down.

are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? haha.

i think the radiation from porno pics is affecting my brain...


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