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1:45 p.m. - 2002-07-25
Angst---part one
Angst described as balancing a chair on my head

Angst. what is angst? how shall i describe angst to you?

Take it as a trick you do, like for example, to balance a chair on your head. You've tried it for 99 times and you failed all 99 of them. As you proceed onto the 100th try, you hesitate, you start to feel a creeping fear that you will fail again. You hover like a helpless wraith in indecision and desolation.

you dunno whether you can go on. The 100th try shall surely fail, you think to yourself. there is no hope. should you do it?


if you go ahead, you'll fail again, you think.

if you dun give it a try, everything collapses.

you dun know whats coming and you're worried.

That's what you get.

Angst is balancing a chair on your head 99 times and going on to the 100th try.


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