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8:33 p.m. - 2002-07-23
the yellow you see
about the yellow you see

These are the yellow i mean when i choose this diaryland template colour...

yellow---cowardice, it comes to mind first.

yellow---sunshine, a desire to be cheerful.

yellow---jaundice, cos i feel sick.

yellow---pornography, cos its there.

yellow---bravery, there's a chinese period drama where the bandits or revolutionaries wear yellow scarfs like headbands around their heads and they've got scruffy beards.

yellow---the colour of sunflowers. A big-headed sense of optimism with the world.

yellow---garish. clownish. loud. parody of the screaming "look at me! im dying!"

"look at me! im Alive!" "look away! im Peeing!"

yellow---the yellow colour is the similar shade to the yellow of the

"don't worry, be happy" icons.

Don't Worry, Be Happy


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