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10:33 p.m. - 2002-07-31
Mr.K humps around
Mr.K walked with a hump on his back.

He eyes and brow furrowed in a perpetual squint as he stared at the orange glow of the street lamps briefly and then turned his desolate gaze back to the ground, treading beneath his feet.

he walked a straight line on the pitted pavement; his shadow thrown long and thin, dragging behind him.

I was a few metres behind him and i reached forward and picked up his limp shadow with my hands; holding it up some centimetres above the ground like those girls walking behind a bride, holding her train.

we walked on like this, past the flourescent lit bus-stop; and one guy stared at Mr.k like he had never seen such a person before. i thought that was pretty rude.

we walked for about 50 metres when i felt uneasy all of a sudden. i couldn't help but notice a dark shape trailing close behind me.

"this is creepy", i thought to myself.

i turned my head around slowly and realised it was only the silhouette cast by Mr.K and me. We looked like a dark camel lumbering along on the ground.

the glad thing is we will never be thirsty in our life.


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