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10:11 p.m. - 2002-08-06
chopped fingers and salted blood with tongues
"...its beautiful..

so dark that light never returns

the curves and the thick red just crawls down smoothly

a twist of that sweet knife in the bosom

sends a shiver reminds a finger tinkle...plays around the mouth lightly

of ancient lore and earthen smells

the serpentine hiss and lightning infused with butterfly's scream

staring into it makes me float and slowly sink deeper into its fold a journey in the blessless night i dun need any stars

when i got my throbbing scar."

"woarkkkkkk! haate! san-jeeeKiiicckkk!...ArrrWooooAAAkkkkrrrr!"

---the tiny tropical island and its death metal trolls.


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