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1:37 p.m. - 2002-09-22
The end of this chapter.....Sonata Boredomica
After ploughing through about ten pages of tiny printed words about the long and tiresome american history of the motion picture film, dilineated with some regulations and laws and ancient outdated quotes by ghostly "culture...culture...high culture...the masses... entertainment and blah blah...philistines and blah....films blah..."

i have this to say:

The burden of history!

What's the use?!

This has done nothing to enlighten the mind, streams of information i have no use for; i feel the burden of history, where the actions and words of the ghosts of the past are out-of-sync with the present, unless you want to consider a cause and effect relationship. But where do i stand in the sea of information except to drown.

Cause and effect?!

Dinosaurs become coal and petroleum jelly!

you call this education?!


A long drawn indoctrination of words and historic puffery to enslave my mind, prepare me for the Scientific Management of Modern Life, the 9 to 5, the willing coerced student take this and listen, there are orders to be filled and they shall be transmitted to you through your education.

all creatures great and small

shall pass through this amazing door.


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