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12:09 p.m. - 2002-09-14
Cruel Intentions
The road to hell is paved with good intentions

what is your intent?

"As a result signs lose their meaning and people simply take what they like from those they encounter (usually very different meanings than may have been intended at the outset). And then, in putting together signs for their homes, work and selves, they happily revel in their artificiality, 'playfully' mixing different images to present no distinct meaning, but instead to derive 'pleasure' in the parody or pastiche of, say, combining punk and a 1950s Marilyn Monroe facial style..."---Information and the idea of an Information Society by Frank Webster.

or retro-elvis decorations in a HDB flat,

or line-dancing in cowboy boots at the basketball court,

or wearing a kimono top with faded denim jeans,

or going skin-head nazi with lumberjack jeans and boots with a dark skin tone.

"People appreciate this situation readily enough: they deride the poseur who is dressing for effect, but acknowledge that it's all artifice anyway; Here, it is conceded that people do not hunger for any true signs, because they recognise that there are no longer any truths. In these terms, we have entered an age of 'spectacle' in which people recognise the artificiality of signs they may be sent and in which they acknowledge the inauthenticity of the signs they use to construct themselves."---Information and the idea of an Information Society by Frank Webster.

Sign=not the movie about crop circles


Sign= Signifier + Signified

i hope you understand the sign language of our time.


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