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10:29 p.m. - 2002-10-06
the truth about cats and dogs and fleas.
tell me the truth about cats and dogs

he said as he fell to the ground,

clutching his red square heart.

is it a match made in heaven

or is it darwin fight-punch-the-other-fucker-and-You-Win!

is it the beautiful stranger love at first sight but incompatible-infidelity-she is not the Chosen one two months later.

is it the plain jane faithful and kind but you can't stand her boring looks.

is it the keep-this-bet-first till another better one comes along.

"sometimes i tell girls i have a dragon boat at home."

"sometimes i tell guys i hate running cos i bounce too much."

"sometimes i tell girls i just had a tiring workout at the gym."

"sometimes i tell guys i have a butterfly tattoo on my butt."

"sometimes i lie."


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