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5:01 p.m. - 2002-10-25
essay for punk zine Puink!
This is an essay for punk zine: Puink! Keywords in this essay: punks on cyberspace, hackers, sell-outs, mail-ordered gear from record stores, local punks and my fav, punk politics.

�maybe the main thing is to just remind the people (be it punks or what) is that they gotta have a do it yourself attitude. dun expect the world to be handed out on a silver platter.... after that, it's every man for himself, dog eat dog world, yield...and you're next."---some old punk geezer.

"commercialism is everywhere. grow your own food. Incidentally i have three cows and one kangkong patch at choa chu kang. im saving up for my electric sheep."---some punk hippy.

"i understand that i was born into a materialistic world with materialistic desires. what else can i do about it. lie around being apathetic or write a book about it? i choose to write a book and complain and get some cash while im doing it."---some rich punk guy who got famous for writing philosophy into books.

"Clothes maketh the, i wished i had money for clothes."---naked prostitute lying on my bed spouting feminist shit.(punk feminism)

"brotherhood? wait till the band of brudders see the sisterhood."---old woman at the counter dishing out condoms.(punk brotherhood)

"my virus is a moral weapon against the commercialism of this fucked up world..."---some idiotic kid making a virus and making a moral stance at the same time.(cyber-punk)

"you realise that all these would fit right into a magazine; soundbite-sized quotes of wisdomtainment. so do you feel entertained?"---Your Humble Narrator. (is not a punk.)

"goddamm, i hate those 'punks'...came over and took over our hardworking, self-reliant, protestant im not a protestant. im a punk! would you laugh at that?!"---farmer jones.(he's punk.)

"hey man..who's the real slim shady?"---eminem looking at all those pirated copies at the roadside stall.(punk rap)

"hey man...scary kids...siao ah....7th month over alreadi...these ghosts still dun want to go home..."---old auntie looking at halloween revellers.(punkohalloween)

"oh man, that auntie is the real punk. been picking up cardboard for sale and sleeping on concrete floors and eating leftover macdonald's fries off dirty ketchuped trays."---a bunch of punks at macdonalds.

"hey korkor, help me buy a heavy metal shirt. must be real scary with reapers and blood. real gothic."---semiotic me acheiving happiness in sign language.(metalshit punk)

"wow...look at christina ah-gu-lala on the cover of rolling stone magazine! she havoc leh! says she like to tattoo and pierce."---low slung jeans girl.(R n B, hiphop, breakbeat punk)

"i like punks, you know. i just dun like the local ones. always dressing up and looking down on others."---local punk.

"maybe jd salinger had some sense when he hid himself...don't you think its a fucked up world and we're just waiting to die in all these commercialised crap?"---a thinker. (reclused punk)

"im a metaphor for life everywhere. why? cos i fight for myself."---girl thai kickboxer.(violent punk)

"what's so punk and all about these crap? whats the big idea? you think i care?!"---obnoxious punk.

�Hey! Why don�t we politicise Punk and form great armies to fight our enemies: those who don't like our music or is wearing stupid band t-shirts�--- lead singer of stupid punk band.

�Been there, done that�. drugs, sex, punk, what have you�. I�ve even worn camouflage pants and pranced around� though that was in the army, but still.�--- your father.

�Punk is a label. I am no label.�--- fashion statement brought to you by �Lewis� jeans.

"everyone is a diva these days... everyone is a punk... everyone is a rebel...what's this!?...i say, Everyone is fuckin Gay!"---south park evil snowboy.


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