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8:23 p.m. - 2003-01-03
a half-fictional passing
year 2002

does it need special mention.

i saw 2002 accelerating into its end from the comfort of my home, sitting in front of the television set, when my guests have all gone home, the sentosa countdown and the plastic celebrities hyping it up, i put my feet onto the table and stared wordlessly, glad that the house is quiet, my mum gently sweeping the floor. i switched channels and watched a taiwanese variety show and not knowing when, i switched everything off and went to bed.

when 2002 crawled past, i guess i was asleep and didn't see it.


ok, i seldom update cos of lack of anything to say. so i guess its best to have a notifylist instead of torturing pple by making them visit this place everyday only to see the same old shit still hanging there and swinging like a taunt.

this is it, guys.

time to spam!


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