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8:56 p.m. - 2003-01-09
i want to be a 90s child
i love the 90s.

the Esplanade, terrorists and new popstars.

i dun like them really much.

i want to be a nineties child.

with my smashing pumpkins, pearl jam, nirvana, greenday and offspring.

with my cassette tapes and school uniform and school ends at 12.45pm.

and sometimes, i would skip school, stay home and dream.

The nineties.

now that you're gone, i miss you.

1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. my secondary school years.

1997, 1998. my jc years.

i shaved my head.

wore patch skins on my faded jeans.

and learnt how to play the guitar.

i went out every saturday to pacific towers to browse books and cds and zines. Underground zines from the USA. Of people of a different culture living their everyday lives and having their everyday thoughts...

i was a nerd.

with my friends, being depressed and walking the streets.

the rain fell down and there was a smell on orchard road. smells wet and hot... i love the 90s.

all gone now. i miss you.

what did i forget to do.

you left and i changed.

nobody cares about you now and i got engrossed in the internet.


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