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11:07 p.m. - 2003-01-24
A rags to riches story: Fandi Ahmad
"i am a professional football punter"

That's what i do all day.

Laze around the house,

mug at the computer,

scrolling through analyses of english clubs and players and league scores and punting tips and betting odds and calling up friends to discuss matches and dissect odds and perhaps to brag

about the better odds we got by que-ing up earlier before the strike! shop opens.

I don't have a taste for foreign football.

I hate it immensely once, in fact.

but... the thrill at the edge...

when you start believing in your own good luck and a sense of control over your own fate, you can stand at the top of the world and maybe sing that song too.

top of the world!

top of the world!

tumble-a-ling down.

to hell, the odds are turned against me...

but i'll beat them again.

not this time, perhaps the next.

Probability is a mathematical construct.


Here are some essential links for your own rags to riches story:

(fine print here: if u win, send me a stikfas toy. if u lose, dun cry. The odds shall turn. but i dunno when. meanwhile keep trying.)


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