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3:59 p.m. - 2003-01-26
what a wistful child? ah, let me taste your tears....ooh yum...such to be savoured.
silent jealousy is the title of an X japan song

she writes in her online diary

about her loneliness

and the sadness of seeing couples pairing up

after the first few weeks of school.

I sniggered and laughed cruelly

�what a typical wistful rapunzel in a tower�.

lady, you are so high up,

let your hair down,

and the knights can climb up.

but for the love at first sight

under the witches curse,

it turns to tears in hindsight.

you pricked yourself on something sharp

and it drew blood

it wasn�t really painful

but still you cried a flood.

Later, some years pass

but no one ever did come.

you shrivel away in a corner

and forgot about the little goblin-man.

But one night,

I climb into your room.

�Allow me to laugh like a hyheena��

I stood before you and said,

�hee hee ha ha�

�oh! You are such a vicious, hateful man!� she screamed and trembled like a shriek.

there was nothing I could say.

I had already stopped laughing.

not just now, perhaps long ago.

I kneeled down

took a bow and

vomited my stone of heart.


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