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11:48 p.m. - 2003-02-15
the first premise is unreason

There was a family, they lived in a house, and there was no happiness in the house.

well, ages back when everyone was young and striving in the golden age, there was indeed some happiness... but somehow, as time flew by, the people in the house grew old and tiresome and fell sick, mentally or physically or both maybe.

It was a normal dysfunctional family like any other dysfunctional one. Happiness came into the house through the glass screens of the television tuned into some entertainment variety show. Numbness substitutes for happiness existed as food, self-fornication, the relief of bladders, a mind for memorising math and knowledge, etc.

there was no god in the house.

and god is not the cure, one would think.

For if god is the cure, wouldn't all problems in the world be solved?

The first premise is unreason.

God doesn't exist when reason is taken into account.

Let us consider the various attributes of our orthodox God/Gods/gods: (The invention of a female god, that is, a goddess, certainly doesn't make our job here easier.) [By the way, feel free to insert Allah or Buddha or Satan or some phallic symbol in place of "God".]

God is a formless, omnipresent entity.

God created everything in our world.

God created us, Humans.

God is great.

so on...

and other common myths about humans and their relationship with God:

one of them is the myth that the richer you become, the farther you are from God.

well, let us explore the issue here while we are still reasoning.

you tell me, God created everything in this world. i guess he also created "evil". So satan is created by God, the same for the other great temptations, sloth, lust, whatever the list goes on.

what does it mean when we say that God created everything, including evil?

so is this some great conspiracy? we are all fighting in this so-called war of good against evil when actually, "evil" is one of us, created by God? hey man, we're all sons/daughters of god here!

why does God create another almost powerful force as him to oppose his goodness?

(later i shall explain why i keep refering to God as "he". For the moment, if it pops into your mind, why "he"? yea, shut up and dun jump at me,i myself would like to ask that too.)

so some perceptive ones would say, "it is a test for us. God created good and evil to test us."

for now, we won't go into the garden of eden and consider the snake and eve and our eventual exile from paradise. For if the snake is a conspirator in this, either wittingly or not, he is blamed and we all are exiles and then we praise god and fault our own ignorance... when we have to eat the apple of knowledge to get rid of ignorance and then... its like catch 22.

Just take it as a foregone conclusion that we are all sinners, the minute we are born. i think jesus said that somewhere.

next, we come to the myth of "the richer you are, the farther you are from god."

why richer?

the rich man is taken to be someone who is caught up with earning money that he forgets the real meaning of life.

(but we have another question, is life meaningful?)

yea, and the wise man says,"so what if you are the richest man in the world, but you do not have good health and loved ones to share it with?"

my answer is this:

consider this: a situation like that is actually much better than you being the poorest man in the world with bad health and your loved ones suffering together with you.

compare two guys.

They have equally bad health and loved ones by their side. the difference in their situation is one of the sick guy is rich and the other sick guy is poor.

whose situation is better?

obviously the rich sick guy.

the poor sick guy can't even afford the money for the medicine or any painkillers to ease his suffering.

And his loved ones suffer together with him, bearing witness to his dying and to hear some people say "God loves us all." as if that love is equal and unconditional.

i dun believe in any of that.

here, i quote from The MEdia Book, page 135,

"Crucially, myths were used to symbolically understand the contradictory elements of the real world. Myths provide explanations that resolve the incongruities between man's existence and the natural world. Thus, myths could explain the existence of droughts or floods by the eternal battle of good and evil."

The myth is a construction of humans.

so what is the meaning in all these?

the first premise is unreason.

that is all.


to believe in god is a leap of faith in itself.

no reason is needed. Nor is there any meaning at all in this world but somehow, in the act of believing in the existence of god, you could probably link up all the happening events in your life as some cause-and-effect of god and karma and stuff like that, which in turn creates meaning.

if you use reason to deconstruct or work backwards and try to find the existence of god... you'll reach a dead end of paradoxes.

hence, the first premise of God's existence rests on something unreasonable, something called faith.

all u have to do to proof that god exists is the statement

"i believe in God."

thats all you need.

in that statement, well anyone can make their own statements, you have "created" God.

henceforth, i guess you could make God a he, a she, an animal, anything. ANd you can attribute everything to a book and HIs sayings.

its all pretty unreasonable.

it is pretty.

it is unreasonable.

but of course, egoistic and self-serving as humans are, we made god in the image of ourselves.

"i believe..."

if jesus is the son of god, who is god's wife?

the end


i always have something to say after the end.

what shall i say this time.


if you think that i don't believe in God and im commiting blasphemy here... please do not get all heated up and throw tantrums and proceed to write a long letter to me, proving god and stuff and stuff....

im just saying, personally, (well everyone speaks personally... someone who doesn't speak personally is putting words in other people's mouths.)... i think, someday i'll get round to saying "i believe..."

why that possibility?

because i know its terrifically simple to do. by saying that, i probably can convince myself enough, so much that God becomes a "reality", and then at that moment, i'd be the same as you...

anyway, its so easy to say. not much thinking needed. its not like reason. duh.


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