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9:02 a.m. - 2003-04-05
work in progress...might be abandoned.
espirit free spirit

one time, mired in the doldrums of army and one's own blemishes, sitting at the wisma parapat with a friend, i suddenly had a thought, an epiphany if you will, i said, "i want to be a free spirit. thats what i want to be."

as rootless as can be,

as care free as can be,

like living totally in the spirit of free...

how free can i imagine myself to be?

as free as a faceless nameless digit in the crowd...

i wonder if it means to give up every stand (i dun have much anyway) and every desire to be famous and loved.

i am not sure how to continue this...continue this next time.

ok, future points to note:

1. escapism

2. implications of believing in a commercial, when its selling a product to on.

3. a racists apology (how do we move on after an apology?)

4. multiculturalism

5. the love-hate relationship with gods and "roots"...

6. clarity.


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