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11:32 a.m. - 2003-04-06
forgive me if i've laid waste on this topic for so many times. i'll talk in a big circle this time.

i'd like to talk about something...inspired by a song by zhang zheng yue called "yuan lai", meaning something like, " this ar."

of cos not so dramatic but the realisation is there anyway. maybe a better word to use is "Actually".

okay i'll translate the lyrics:

"realised that my world could only contain me..

before this, my vision could only see,

the ceiling above me...

solitary is a kind of joy..

never mind...

actually i knew that my heart is always empty...

and i don't want to decide, that this feeling is called loneliness...

solitary is a kind of pain...

confess it...

where is the place with real feelings?

actually you've always been by my side.

my stubborness made me blind to love.

in your eyes, i see myself...

because of your love,

i am minute...

then i realised my world has you."

i love the music and the jarring guitars.

okay so what is my point?

im back to some media theory by jean baudrillard i think thats the name of that guy... who posted this term


this is when a sign becomes more valued and "real" than the real event itself.

a perfect example taking from the Media Book, pg 239, "would be an event in which the tenants of an apartment block chose to watch the tv news coverage of a murder in the block rather than walking into the corridoor and see the real thing."

i guess this is part of the post modern condition...

but bloody terms aside, i think, "actually" sort of awakened me...

been living life with a seeming prefix called "sex". okay so i've revealed the whole point of this article: my tryst with porn.

nice try you'll say.


thats the end of this essay.

i won't make any "new year resolutions" here.

but im gonna start living life more "real".

here and now.

i hope.

good luck to me.


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