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9:57 p.m. - 2003-04-07
poems about love... the shallow kind
this section is bound to make you guys sick. this section is called poems about love... the shallow kind

professional quality and self-restraint is sacrificed for sincerity.

here goes:

i love you.

i feel like i'm walking a fucking tightrope

and i can't say fuck in front of you.


i wonder if you are still one of those girls that dream of her knight in shining armour coming down to save you from your dreary castle.

am i your knight?

im not im not im not.

and this part sickens me most.

seeing girls going out with jerks

and thinking i could be one of them any time too.


this is my love poem for the love we have. i love you without seeing you.

for i love the delusions we have when we sms each other dear and sweetie and bears and goodnite. sometimes i question the need for such mushy words, for it all changes in the twinkling of an eye.


faye wong singing

"who says loving someone means you must love his soul,

for fear of letting others think you're insincere."

That's why i never wanted people to love my soul.



is stepping into her skin or her brain.

wishing that you are her.

love is envy.

that is why i never knew why my frens would love me.

perhaps they don't.

they would love me to love them certainly.

this is where i think it all goes downhill.

and in circles too...

when you consider that you must be able to love yourself before you can extend any love to others out of your narrow sphere.

so is love selfish or selfless

like the dual wave/particle theory of light.


would you love me

i said to the mirror.

tears streamed down.

i had better start lying

or get a new mirror.


to be cont'd.


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