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12:19 p.m. - 2003-05-15
this is a science fiction movie idea

Its more of not story kind

Its more of not story kind, i was

thinking along the idea of a science fiction film, but without the aliens, mad

scientists and viruses and time-travellling... more like a science fiction film

set in the present age... dealing with themes of death, the body as a rebellion

against the soul of the person... yea, the soundtrack would be pulsing techno

beats, and the visuals would be some footage we shoot, some found-footage, some

pics, some acted scenes. im still bouncing it around... it's mainly a conceptual

piece (like those experimental film stuff) now, but im hoping to steer it to

become a story...


start: (visuals

are silent, but voiced-over by hynoptic voice)


"let me tell you straight, this is a science fiction mov


but there are no

time machines, no monsters from outerspace,

there are no

androids counting sheep, and no robots turning into trucks, cars, aeroplanes,

motorcycles... twisting back into robots again...

there are no green

aliens, or flying saucers from planet mars.

there are no

creatures in the earth's centre." (montage

of various mathematical diagrams of vortexes, alien movie posters, book covers,

transformer toys transforming in animation, blurry pics of flying saucers...etc)


"this is not about the future, this is not about the past, this is

happening right now." (computer screen

churning numbers, or clocks spinning, or bunch of calender pages on the floor)


"so let me tell you straight, this is still a science fiction movie."


"and what you now see" ( cut to scene

of bubbles in the blue sky, orange sunlight, green fields, small houses)


"is the only happy scene in this movie." (black-out).


(title printed in white comes out):

this is a science

fiction movie.



comes in: pulsing techno beats)


(music cuts abruptly.)

(back to monologue

voice-over mode)

(a guy/gal staring at

the mirror)    



"its 10am now.

i've stared at the mirror 18 times since

i woke up at 6.30

Nothing's changed.

i still hate myself."






or no music, undecided.)

(guy/gal walking on

the street, lost in the crowd)



"im 23 yrs old

past the promise of puberty

and i've a feeling im born wrong."


"there's something wrong with






(darkness, click of lights turn


(s/he staring at the

mirror, in the bathroom. s/he is smiling, suddenly the smile fades away...)

(jump cut: s/he

screaming in silence.)



"i really hate you."





(s/he dancing spastically in a

room, bubbles flying around.)



"i really think...

im not living...

this is not me...


i feel pain...

but this is so unreal...

becos there is no blood."


(close-up: s/he's face drooling

saliva, total spastic.)




(found footage of

medical photos... changing to the tune of pulsing beats)



"i know."

"the promise of life."


beauty ads, macdonald's burgers, a family with small kids on tv, smiling faces

in newspapers, etc)

"tells me

my body is my enemy."


"my body rebels me"


blackened, cancer tumours, skin lesions, sores, twisted fingers, etc.)


"my soul is trapped."

(cut to close-up of an



"it wants to come out."

(close up of eye zooms

out to reveal it is the eye of a doll.)





(music pulses slow down to a



s/he stumbling, stumbling to a bed.

slowly slowly.


climbs in and sleeps. (bubbles float



-----------------------------------------to be cont'd.


further ideas:

1. soul and body split

2. overhaul the whole story. it

doesn�t tell what I wanted. that of everyone else living hopefully, but the

self dying away. disappointment.

3. develop a narrative







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