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2:37 p.m. - 2003-06-17
the lord has a thousand rooms in his mansion
a thousand rooms

to enter the white room, you must be prepared,

there is an old couple and they�re quarrelling,

the wife saying spiteful things while the husband squats on the floor in pain, groaning away and saying u must understand my pain.

there is a boy in the room. he�s looking at this with a faraway look in his eyes, as if that could distant him. then he goes to a computer connected to a socket in the wall and he plays his computer games.

the white room is lit with the strong glare of cheap flourescent tubes, giving the impression of no escape from the light, as persecuted as the family is, by sickness and ill fortune.

its terribly hard to see beyond the first wall, knowing that there are hundreds and possibly thousand walls behind that.


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