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9:57 p.m. - 2003-06-04
after today, i'll either go MLM or go to church.
two days ago i met this guy at orchard. he was doing a job market survey and i gamely answered his questions. then he called me when i got home, telling me to meet him at eunos mrt. like he got a job opening for me. well, so i went.

he brought me to a coffeeshop, brimming with young people. like some gathering of sorts. we sat down and ordered some drinks. halfway drinking, this lady dressed in a tube top and open-button shirt came on. she talked at length about the multi-level marketing thing, giving me examples of her past life, how she changed jobs and met a person at some disco and thanking profusely several people who helped and teached her a lot about MLM in the past. i smiled and tried to avert my eyes from her chest.

so it was MLM, well what the hell, wouldn't hurt to take a look. a new experience, i thought.

Then time was up and we went across the road to this building and took a lift up. Meanwhile, she also pointed out several seemingly successful and important people to me. We came into an office bristling with activity, small groups of people huddled around discussing or talking animatedly. she brought me to this fair soft spoken guy who shook my hand warmly and made small talk with me. Well, everyone i met had almost the same kind of questions to ask about me: name, age, what i was doing currently. i answered all truthfully, but when i told them im studying communication studies, they sort of got into a kind of syntax/matrix error: confusing it with some telecommunications engineering stuff or some other things.

i was shown around the office by the lady, treated like some big shot, have my hand shaken by several smiling people; and the whole time i was dressed in shorts and my spiderman t-shirt, admist other people dressed more formally in shirt and tie or jeans, quite a funny sight.

it was incredible, the smiling faces and handshaking and people who seemed to take an interest into my life. i have never felt like this in my life ever... and there were a few very attractive girls who shook my hand and talked to me and looked into my eyes intently as they asked questions about me.

there was this petite tanned girl with light brown hair, dressed in spahgettis, whom i grasped hands with, while she asked my name. she talked strangely i think... i stared at her mouth and eyes and tried to figure her out... she asked me my age and i said 23 and she went oh year 80 same as me. we were in the lift, the four of us: the distribution manager lady, the guy who accosted me, me and this pretty girl, but come to think of it now, she only talked to me while the others were staring quietly the whole scene, like some ritual (zoo-feeding). hmm, the same thing happened when i met the fair guy.

it was very weird. a newcomer. everyone being so frenly and cherry. the pretty girl shook my hand again as we left the lift, saying that she hoped that we'll meet again. i shook her hand and left with fluttery thoughts.

it was like church, though i had never went to church before. everyone liked you. it was not like the irc world where u had to keep asking questions to other people who were unresponsive, or find you boring, just to keep the conversation going.

so from today, i'll either go MLM or go to church

i need to find out what makes those people so cheery, quitting their jobs to work as some sales shit. And really, i want to know more about the same-age girl.


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